After a failed first attempt, I received my passing Final-Final Inspection from the City on New Years Eve Day, yay! This means substantial completion is reached and it is safe and sturdy. Now I just need to pass the Police Department's inspection to get removed from the Condemned and Substandard Building list, making it officially live-able. :D
Thanks, Rachel, for the following photos from back in September... I'll post them to show some perspective on how far it's come...

Day two of homeownership. Wow, I sure looked pumped to get going.

Ah yes, I was excited. And I had very clean pants and gloves.
BEFORE shot. (Courtesy of "street view" on GoogleMaps.)
BEFORE shot. (Courtesy of "street view" on GoogleMaps.)

The core and shell skeleton interior.

Wait a second... what the hell did I get myself into...?!?!