Hardwood floors with final sanding, sealant, first coat of water-based polyurethane. Tons of work! I have so much respect for all hardwood floors, especially 80 year old ones, that I will never again drag a piece of furniture across them.

Finished painting ceilings. Electrician was final'd and lights are in! Track lighting casting nice lines in kitchen/dining area.

200+ year old barn wood from Taos laid as flooring in back utility/laundry/foyer room.

Energy Efficient (though not $ tankless) water heater.

Toilet. It even flushes. Low flush water-saving, of course.

More of the 200+ year old barn wood from Taos as the siding to the pony wall bar between dining and kitchen. Photo doesn't quite capture how nice it looks.

Random shot of the construction mess that has been my life.