The recycled blue-jeans cotton batt insulation in interior walls for acoustic properties.

Insulation begins! Formaldehyde-free. R38 in my ceilings.

I pulled out a birdnest from the adobe wall joints, including skeleton of mama bird and two eggs intact.

Green Materials: recycled blue jeans cotton-batt insulation. no VOCs. great acoustical properties. Awesome stuff!
Prepping floors for refinishing... very worried about what will be revealed.

crackhead bum piss, mouse and cockroach nasties, etc scraped out by hand of each board. omg.

ahhh, floor patching.... good times.

this is supposed to show how covered in sawdust i am. i just look tired.

Floor Refinishing Begins! Sanding with coarsest grain possible.

Look what's beginning to be revealed...

Stripping and Sanding (never ending)... sanding out the years of abuse to the red oak floors.

My view on life for two days. including my 25th birthday.

Two Tone Brown x2.

brown dog and demo pile.

The perfect end to a hard day. Marble microBrewery, just a few short blocks from the casa.